TNT FAT-P (First-Aid & Trauma Pack) - Red
$ 449.99
RM_MED_TNTFATP_REDThe importance of having first-aid kit at your disposal cannot be emphasized enough. Even the most basic skills and equipment can prevent additional pain, injury and unnecessary visits to the Emergency Room.
The ReadyMan TNT First Aid Trauma Pack was put together with real world scenarios in mind... not just "filler" first-aid junk.
Each TNT First-Aid Trauma Pack contains the following:
- Bandaging
- Knuckle Bandages - 8
- 7/8 Bandage - 8
- Fingertip Bandage - 8
- Extra Long Bandage - 8
- Triangle Bandage - 2
- Steri Strips - 1
- Coban 2" - 2
- Ace Wrap 3" - 1
- Bleeding
- 3 x 3 Gauze - 10
- Non Adherent Pads - 10
- 5 x 9 Trauma Pad - 1
- 8 x 10 Trauma Pad - 1
- Roller Gauze 2" - 2
- Kerlix Gauze 3" - 1
- Wound Seal with Applicators - 2
- Wound Seal Vial - 1
- Quick Clot 25g -
- RATS Tourniquet
- Israeli Dressing
- Dynastopper Compress
- Cleaning
- Antiseptic Spray
- Antiseptic Wipes
- Alcohol Wipes
- Insect Sting Wipes
- Hydro Cortisone Cream
- Triple Antibiotic Ointment
- Betadine Wipes
- Wound Flush
- Irrigation Syringe
- Hand Sanitizer
- Nitrile Gloves
- Burns
- 4 oz Burn Gel
- 4 x 4 Burn Dressing
- 12 x 12 Burn Face Dressing
- Eye Injuries
- Eye Cups
- 4 oz Chemical Eye Wash
- 1/2 oz Eye Wash Particulates
- Eye Magnet, Eye Loop
- Sprains and Strains
- 36" Stat Splint
- Instant Ice Packs
- Instant Ice Wrap (Rechargeable)
- Instruments
- Foreign Object Removal Kit
- Trauma Sheers
- Pen Light
- CPR Pocket Mask with hard case & gloves
- Tape
- Waterproof Athletic Tape
- Transpore Tape
- Medicine
- Ibuprofen
- Tylenol (non asprin)
- Excedrin (pain off)
- Asprin
- Antacids
- Medi Lyte - Electrolytes
Buy the iTunes Virtual Medic Instructional Application to learn how to use all the contents of this bag