Posted on July 08 2024
If you're preparing to Bug Out or to set up your own little Home Base, then there's a few things you need to consider: Observation, Communication, & Security.
You & your team need to have a dedicated system that everyone understands and abides by. You can't have anyone that us just slacking off, or anyone who is doing one thing all the time. Need to be able to switch out, take breaks, and still have every important position filled.
And your team needs to be able to have a dependable, and ideally covert, lookout for who's coming and going, as well as be able to communicate about what is going on. The following comics will give you a little something to think about on Both fronts!

Would a GMRS radio be a good substitute if you don’t have HAM License?
how to contact with your company for more information
Getting a Ham license is really easy. You have many free sources for the similar test questions for the tests. 3 levels with the last requiring some real knowledge of radio theory.
Once again, excellent information!!!!!!!!!!!