Posted on January 18 2023
Just got this question from a friend: is propane a good fuel to store?
Answer: For a short-term disaster, yes. For a long term thing, do the math. It's a lot.
Answer: For a short-term disaster, yes. For a long term thing, do the math. It's a lot.
Propane is my first choice for generators and cooking, I have invested in 500 gal to 2500 gal propane tanks for long term storage. I buy it when the price is down. The last time I filled them I paid .68 a gallon which was really cheap, I still have a 3-4 year supply left, I use it to heat my house and shop also. The big advantage is that it never goes bad, unlike my gas with ethanol in it which only last for less than 12 months before it gums up your carborators on the generator. I have bought hoses and adapters to fill my own 20 and 100 lb cylinders.
Propane never goes bad in the tank. That means whatever you buy today you are storing until you need it. Also the price will never go down, so anything you buy in store today is a savings account.
Propane is a low signature fuel that is great for multiple uses. We store it in 100 lb bottles and less so that it is easily maneuverable to whatever device we need to run from it.
Propane never goes bad in the tank. That means whatever you buy today you are storing until you need it. Also the price will never go down, so anything you buy in store today is a savings account.
Propane is a low signature fuel that is great for multiple uses. We store it in 100 lb bottles and less so that it is easily maneuverable to whatever device we need to run from it.
I THINK you folks need to do some reading. TRY: – it has all kinds of info that you need to know. (link below is RE: shelf life),dates%20and%20not%20expiry%20dates.
Hi, we use propane with a camp stove a lot— it does not take a full pound of propane, which is one of the small green cans, to cook a single meal… we can sometimes cook two or three meals a day for several days on a one pound cylinder.
There are also many ways to extend the heating value of your fuel— like using a thermal pot, where you bring your food to a boil in the inner pot, then place it in the sealed outer pot and use the residual heat to finish cooking your food. Even with cast iron dutch ovens you can boil or heat food, then cover for a while, then heat it again if needed to finish cooking. If you wrap your dutch oven in old towels or wool blankets, you make your own thermal pot. If you make pasta, you can use the pour off water in your thermal pot to bake cornbread or cake, and if you put some veggies and stuff in it you have soup and bread for the next meal. I love my cast iron and my Saratoga Jacks thermal cooker! I have the 5.5 liter thermal pot. Not affiliated with them, just love the products!